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Thursday, February 20, 2025
Monday, February 17, 2025
Book Review: Mexican Magic by Laura Davila
Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Hello, lovely witches. I apologize for being gone so long, but grieving has no time limits. During the time I was gone, I filled my time with reading, a whole lot of reading. Among the books I have read recently, many of them have been occult books, including Mexican Magic: Brujeria, Spells, and Rituals for All Occasions by Laura Davila.
Davila is a fifth-generation Mexican witch, describing herself as a bruja de rancho-- a "ranch witch," which she describes as having a knowledge of botanicals and the natural world, which she incorporates into her book Mexican Magic. Unlike other books on the topic, Mexican Magic is not so much a how-to-guide, but instead a list of spells and rituals for different occasions. Chapter One briefly introduces Mexican magic, discussing the guiding principles, virtues, and cultural significance. I thoroughly enjoy reading about other cultures and practices. Reading widely promotes empathy and understanding, and puts a lot of Mexican culture into perspective, making me a better teacher, friend, and community member.
The introductory chapter is followed by chapters full of spells and rituals for everything from kitchen magic to curing baby hiccups. These spells incorporate saints, angels, and icons infused with botanicals and other natural ingredients. I loved reading about the different animas, their history and folklore, and how to invoke them for different purposes. My favorite chapter, however, was on magical Mexican ingredients, which includes how to use tortillas to enact revenge or warm a cooling relationship. In the kitchen magic chapter, there are spells for using aguas frescas for financial prosperity or to encourage someone to fall in love with you. There are recipes and spells for connecting to your ancestors with coffee or using chewing gum to stop gossip. I learned so much from this book and walked away inspired to work with new ingredients in my own practice, with respect of course.
I do not have any Mexican heritage, so incorporating Mexican magic into my practice is not something I feel comfortable doing (it's right in line with cultural appropriation), but the techniques are universal. For example, while I won't incorporate the chewing gum spell as it's written in Davila's work, I can figure out a way to use chewing gum in the future to stop gossip, seal someone's lips, or otherwise stop them from talking about me. This is another reason I love reading about the practices of other cultures. They often approach the world from an entirely different view than I do, allowing me to better see and understand how I can work with other elements in my life, ones I may have never thought to use. It opens the doors of my creativity and often inspires me in times when I lack inspiration or the desire to create. For what is witchcraft if not creativity?
My only complaint about Mexican Magic is that it was too short! I wanted so much more history and folklore than what Davila was able to offer in this short book. Despite this, I highly recommend picking up Mexican Magic: Brujeria, Spells, and Rituals for All Occasions by Laura Davila, whether you are Mexican or not. It is a great way to begin this tumultuous year by increasing your empathy toward those different from you, inspiring your own practice, and expanding your understanding of the world around you. I hope it sparks your creativity like it sparked mine.
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Thursday, December 26, 2024
Magical Properties of Spirit Quartz
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Monday, December 2, 2024
Transitioning from Autumn to Winter: Herbal Remedies for the Season of Pale Misfeature
Keats described each season in his poetic works, referring to winter as a time of "pale misfeature," which refers to winter as a time of death or old age. It is often used in poetry as a metaphor to describe the deterioration that comes at the end of life, which is exactly what winter is. As the sun begins to fade in the sky and darkness strengthens its hold, the temperatures cool, the plants die or go dormant, and many animals hunker down, hiding from sight. To the untrained eye, it appears we are surrounded by death, but hiding under the mask is a sea of life resting and waiting to be reborn in spring. Winter is a time of rest and rejuvenation, a time to care for ourselves and our families to prepare for the coming spring. Self-care is of the utmost importance. The idea that we should continue to hustle and bustle is modern capitalism convincing us we are all lazy if we take a break. Winter reminds us to slow down and rest because there can be no spring without rest. This makes it a great time to work with plant allies to heal and rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit for the changes ahead as well as get in touch with the magic of the season.
In today's post, I offer 3 herbal recipes to aid your transition from autumn to winter. These recipes can be used to create a variety of remedies including salves, oxymels, steams, baths, tisanes (teas), or tinctures. It's completely up to you how to use these recipes, but I encourage you to consult with the spirits of the plants, your intuition, and even your ancestors or spiritual guides to determine which preparation method is best for you. While taking it as a tisane may be best for me, you may need to use it as a steam.
For Achy Bones and a Weary Soul
The older I get, the more tired I feel come winter. The cold brings on new aches and pains, flaring old injuries. It also means the end of the semester at work, and therefore state-mandated testing. It's always a spring to the finish line, and it leaves me a little worse for wear each year. This recipe combines peppermint (Mentha piperita), turmeric (Curcuma longa), cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum), and black pepper (Piper nigrum) to create a remedy to soothe those achy bones and uplift your spirits, just in time for the holiday season!
This remedy should be taken internally only. Do not attempt to turn it into a salve or other topical treatment.
2 parts peppermint
1/4 part turmeric
1/4 part cinnamon
1/8 part black pepper
optional: if taken as a tea, add honey for an extra boost; as a tincture, add 1/4 part white willow bark
For Warming the Chill
Sometimes, no matter what we do, we can't seem to get warm, I am not just talking physically. Sometimes our minds are slow and sluggish, making it difficult to complete much-needed tasks. Other times our bodies feel worn and tired, leaving us feeling chilly, even though the house is warm. Maybe you or a loved one have been standoffish or otherwise less than merry recently. This remedy is for all the chill you may feel, physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. It's sure to raise your spirits and keep that coming winter chill at bay. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) and cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) are both very well known for their warming properties, helping to aid in digestion and promote circulation. Orange (Citrus sinensis) and American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) are both powerful mood elevators. When combined with a hint of black pepper (Piper nigrum) this remedy is sure to leave you feeling merry and bright!
This remedy should be taken internally only. Do not attempt to turn it into a salve or other topical treatment.
2 part American ginseng
1 part ginger
1/2 part cinnamon
1 part orange peel
1/4 part black pepper
For Letting Go of the Past
As the seasons shift, it can be difficult to let go. Many of us continue to be stuck in previous seasons, dreaming of warmer weather, what our life used to be like, and even how much we wish the holidays were like they used to be; family and friends gathered around the table, just happy to see each other; sales that were actually sales on Black Friday; holiday decorations that weren't a bunch of cheap inflatables...I'm not talking about me at all here, am I? Haha! Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) helps with feelings of disconnection and overthinking, helping clear the way for new possibilities. Rose (Rosa spp.) opens the heart and staves off grief and depression allowing new opportunities of love and appreciation to take root, while peppermint (Mentha piperita) uplifts the spirit, and passion flower (Passiflora incarnata) helps us come to terms with our new reality.
2 parts peppermint
1 part rose
1/2 part skullcap
1/4 part passion flower
As the wheel turns toward winter, these recipes can help ensure you are happy and healthy for the coming months. While I certainly love autumn, there is something special about winter. The pristine snowy landscape, the slower pace, and the chill remind me to take stock of what I have, slow down, and rest. I know we like to make lofty resolutions at the beginning of each year but remember, winter is not the time to start new things. Instead, it should be spent resting and reflecting so we can hit the ground running when Spring decides to show her lovely face once more. It's okay to rest. You aren't lazy or unproductive because you are resting. Take time for yourself this holiday season and tell capitalism it can fuck right on off!
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Thursday, November 28, 2024
Magical Properties of Lepidolite
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